The Rabbit Man. Private Investigator | Process Server | Real Estate Investor | Process Server Job Coach & Trainer
I’m Lance Casey. Some of my friends call me the Rabbit Man because I raise rabbits for meat in my spare time. I have been providing public service for over thirty years. I am currently a private investigator, process server, and a real estate investor. I started my public service career over 30 years ago when I joined the military while still in high school. My career then progressed to law enforcement where I was a police officer with the Sacramento Police Department for over 10 years.
I utilized the training and experience I learned from law enforcement to open up my own Sacramento Private Detective Firm in 2001. I don’t want to forget to mention I also earned a Bachelors Degree in criminal justice while working full time in law enforcement.
I provide all kinds of investigative services from criminal defense investigations, marital investigations, missing persons investigations, personal injury investigations, workers compensation investigations, asset searches, judgment collection, trademark infringement, and background checks. I also provide process service. I serve dmv subpoena and lawsuit papers daily.